how to make your a one minute park

Search for a scene in the park that includes a foreground, middleground, and background. Imagine your scene resembling a Bruegel painting, filled with many layers of activity but without any dominating elements.
- Record in landscape mode.
- Keep your shot as steady as you can but don't use a tripod. You could even hold your breath.
- No zooming, panning, or tracking.
- Try not to talk while filming.
Expert mode: While keeping the frame still, observe what's happening to your left and right and above and below the camera. Staring at the screen for one minute can be boring.
Use the timecode indicator while filming to make your video exactly 60 seconds. Tap record, let it count up to 60, and tap again. No editing needed!
One Minute Parks can be uploaded to this channel. Videos should be .mp4 and please include the date, time, and park in the title.