Subject: Fwd: you felt...
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 16:49:32 +0100
From: Elliott
To: Stephen
through barriers or stone. the stonewall running along the road...
moving in a light thread. along the sky
email, it was like magic.
previous sender: a small email is received and expands into an
endless reply using <details> and <summary>
a reply of all replies
"older email clients used >, >>, >>>, so on to show the level of indention of the reply"
writing about email is a set : in stone : <a car driving backwards down the street near the space> our:out the windows. the clouds and the broom <block><block> fire looking:looking up.
there are there birds in the windows
messy logging
an automatic
beside my email
so the email
what's the email about
is there are an email
that is word worth
a dog
i am not lost listening to the sound of the river
in a memoryu
last year or last month or in the last 4 years
its strange that the email started in 2007
he was writing emails and making websites about dog
the sweater and rebecca purple and 3 orange dots and green ink and a viewsonic with no signal and parrots
sometimes i see a place in the dream that is covered in mist
write like this and fall asleep near the window
we are reading and writing and finding out why
rivers and documents
barley tea
today or tomorrow right or left
Subject: you felt...
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 16:14:50 +0100
From: Polina
To: Elliott