Elliott Opinion
Opinions could change daily!
- Profile pictures should be square
- A squashed circle (oval) is better than a perfect circle (when it comes to lamps)
- MoMA should use less screens for wayfinding
- All inside lighting should be from lamps
- There should be a public ledger for salaries
- Websites should have more sound effects. On click, etc.
- Movies should be mostly calming
- Math and art should be taught together in schools
- Websites should be designed for either desktop or mobile, not both.
- Randomization is better than algorithms in every way!
- Designers should have to take at least one art history class
- Digital designers should know how to write HTML & CSS
- Aliens definitely exist
- There's nothing like swimming in the ocean
- Sunlight is incredible
- First gen Airpods were much better than second gen
- I still haven't seen a web3 project that I'd consider interesting art
- People with a lot of money fund the stupidest startups
- Some rich investor should just start funding people to write HTML daily
- Hasami is nice but overrated
- Dropbox took an incredible idea and ruined it by hiring a bunch of designers that didn't know what to do but build new features that nobody wanted
- Crypto websites need to stop marketing themselves with crypto jargon
- It's important to try things that you dislike at least one time
- Lyfts should put pink lights in their windows again
- Facebook should talk more about their use of PHP
- HTML has a branding problem
- Long underwear should we worn at all times during the winter
- Game design is more interesting than most web design today
- Outerwear should be colorful while layers should be neutral
- Backpack > tote
- We don't thank our winter jackets enough
- Green, orange, and blue are the best colors
- Personal websites should be more than one page
- Social networks are the way they are because of their design. It's designers faults not users.
- Your personal website doesn't need to be built with a framework
- Companies should pay you to build a portfolio for their application process
- Job applications should be illegal
- Cover letters should be illegal
- It's better to own your own brand
- Ruby is not "simpler"
- Python makes sense!
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