Today is mothers day. I haven't seen my mom in two years. I miss her and my family a lot.
I'll be back home in July but until then I'll day dream about being back home.
Lately I've been feeling sick and this is of course one of those times when I really miss my mom. I miss depending on her for knowing what to do when I'm not feeling great. Mothers are one of the few people that you can trust to have your best interests in mind.
Here are some things about my mom:
- Taking walks: My mom and I both enjoy walking. I've only recently come to love walking. My mom usually wears fluorescent purple or lime green when she's walking as a safety measure because she wants cars to avoid her.
- Watching her garden: I say watching because for some reason I never feel like gardening when I'm home. The garden is huge and impossible for her to tend on her own. It always seems to be expanding and never really feels under control. It's beautiful and unwieldy and I appreciate that it will never be finished.
- Her commitment to her children, imagination, and the world: My mom has a big imagination. She often doesn't show it to the world but I appreciate when it comes out. I've seen it in the themed birthday parties she would throw for my sister and I growing up. Each was a piece of art. Everything from the invitations to the activities was meticulously planned/crafted by hand. She wanted us to experience something she never had growing up (these parties may have also been a competition between her and her sister who is also quite a party planner). I admire that when my mom wants to see something in the world (like the art business she built with my dad) she will relentlessly work to make it a reality.
Added photo and formatting on March 24, 2022
Written on May 9, 2021