Invisible Companion Technique
- Purchase a small folding table.
- Place the table to the right or left of your current home office desk. It should be a little behind you so that it’s only visible in your periphery when you are sitting at your main desk.
- Open a secondary laptop on the folding table. If you don't have another computer, a few open books will suffice. Bonus: light a candle or place a lamp on the desk.
- Go about your work at your home office desk and feel your companion’s productive energy.
Advanced: Invisible Office Technique
- Buy several folding desks and old laptops from Craigslist or Ebay.
- Follow the same steps as the Invisible Companion Technique to configure each desk.
- Experiment with placing desks behind you in the room like a classroom or audience observing you as you work.
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Thanks to Lydia M. and Laurel S. for the technique names.