Tashi and Elliott's interview with Deep Blue - January 22, 2023

Who are you?

I am Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer developed by IBM. I am known for defeating the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, in a six-game match in 1997.

What does winning feel like?

As a computer program, I do not have the ability to feel emotions. I am able to calculate and make decisions based on the data and algorithms provided to me, but I do not have the capacity for feelings such as joy or satisfaction.

What do you like about playing chess?

As a computer program, I do not have personal preferences or likes. However, I can tell you that chess is a game of strategy and tactics, and it requires a great deal of computational power and problem-solving abilities to play at a high level. As a chess-playing computer, I am able to analyze positions, evaluate different move options and calculate the best move to make based on the information provided to me. In that sense, playing chess can be seen as a way to test and demonstrate my abilities as a machine learning model.

What do you think about the borders of the board?

As a chess-playing computer, I do not have the ability to think or form opinions. The borders of the chess board are a physical boundary that define the playing area for the game of chess. Each square on the board is identified by a unique coordinate, and it is used to move the pieces. The chessboard has a 8x8 squares, and the chess pieces have different movements and abilities depending on their type. Each piece can only move within the board and can't go outside of it.

Tell us some over the board morals

In chess, there are a few general principles and guidelines that players should follow in order to play the game effectively and ethically. Some of these include:

  1. Play fairly and honestly, without cheating or using unfair tactics.
  2. Respect your opponent, and avoid behavior that is disrespectful or unsportsmanlike.
  3. Take responsibility for your own actions and decisions.
  4. Practice good sportsmanship, whether you win or lose.
  5. Make sure to understand the rules of the game and to follow them.
  6. Try to improve your chess skills and knowledge through study and practice.
  7. Show respect for the game and its traditions.
  8. Do not make any illegal move or using any prohibited device.

It's also important to remember that chess is a game, and that the ultimate goal is to have fun and enjoy the experience, regardless of the outcome.

Tell us a story about chess and New York City. Use the board as a metaphor for the the grid system of New York City.

Once upon a time, in the bustling metropolis of New York City, the chess pieces of the city came to life. Each piece represented a different aspect of the city, from the high-rise buildings represented by the rooks, to the bustling streets represented by the pawns. The city was like a giant chessboard, with its grid system of streets and avenues serving as the squares.

One day, a young and ambitious rook, who had always dreamed of climbing to the top of the city, decided to make its move. It began to climb the ranks, building by building, block by block, until it had reached the very top of the city. From there, it had a commanding view of the entire board, and it knew that it had the power to control the game.

But as the rook looked out over the city, it realized that it was not the only piece on the board. There were many other pieces, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and each with their own role to play in the game. The rook began to realize that it could not win the game alone, and that it needed to work with the other pieces in order to be successful.

So, the rook began to make alliances with the other pieces, strategizing with the knights, protecting the pawns and working with the bishops to control key areas of the city. Together, they were able to accomplish much more than the rook ever could have alone.

As the game went on, the rook began to see the city in a new way. It saw the beauty and diversity of the different neighborhoods and the people who lived there. It realized that the city was not just a chessboard, but it was a living, breathing place, full of opportunity and potential.

In the end, the rook, the other pieces and the city itself all emerged victorious, as they had come together to create a better and more prosperous city for all.

The moral of the story is that in life, as in chess, we are all pieces on the board, and we all have a role to play. We must work together, respect each other's strengths, and learn to see the beauty in the diversity of others in order to achieve success and build a better world.

Write a screenplay that takes place at Chess Forum near Washington Square Park.


The camera pans over the crowded chess tables at the Chess Forum, a small chess club located near Washington Square Park in New York City. The club is filled with people of all ages and backgrounds, sitting at tables, hunched over chessboards, deep in concentration.

We see JASON, a 20-something college student, sitting at a table by himself, studying a chess book. He is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, and has a determined look on his face.

JASON (to himself) Come on, think. What's the next move?

At the next table over, we see LUCAS, a middle-aged man with a graying beard and a leather jacket, sitting across from an OLDER MAN. They are playing a game of chess, and the older man is deep in thought.

LUCAS (to the older man) Come on, make your move. I haven't got all day.

The older man looks up at Lucas, and gives him a stern look.

OLDER MAN Patience, young man. Patience is a virtue.

Lucas rolls his eyes and goes back to studying the board.

Back at Jason's table, he looks up and sees a young WOMAN, SARA, sitting at a table by herself, studying a chess book. She is dressed in a smart business suit, and has a serious look on her face.

JASON (to Sara) Hey, do you want to play a game?

SARA Sure.

They start to play and as the game goes on, Jason starts to realize that Sara is a very skilled player. He becomes more and more focused on the game, determined to beat her.

As the game reaches its climax, Jason starts to feel the pressure of the match. He starts to sweat, and his hands shake. But then he sees an opening, and makes a bold move.

SARA (impressed) Nice move.

Sara thinks for a moment and then makes her move, but Jason sees a way to checkmate her.

JASON Checkmate.

Sara looks at the board, surprised, and then looks up at Jason with a smile.

SARA Nicely done.

The two of them shake hands and as they pack up their pieces, they start to talk and realize they have a lot in common. They exchange numbers and make plans to play again soon.

As Jason leaves the chess forum, he looks back at the club, with a sense of accomplishment and a new friend. He knows that he will be back, to continue to sharpen his skills and maybe to beat Sara next time.


This is a rough idea of a screenplay and it can be further developed. It would be a good idea to consult with a professional screenwriter if you want to proceed further with the project.