elliott's quarantine news


news from a sunbeam


What websites would you put in your backpack?

tools at your disposal

watch list

  1. star wars the rise of the skywalker
  2. star wars the last jedi
  3. star wars the force awakens
  4. star trek 14
  5. star trek into darkness


If I had to choose something to worship I'd pray to the sun.

clouds and sun

Been thinking about clouds and sunbeams. A friend told me the sun is a natural disinfectant. I'll try to sit in a sunbeam for 10 minutes daily.


Anna has been making this rice dish. I gave it the nickname "happy rice" as its something to be happy about. Here's the recipe...

happy rice


I made a website today but the internet feels a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I think I'll take a break from social media soon and just post when I update this page.

Anna just read this page and can't stop laughing.